Back to School Nerf Wars
7th-13th grade
Join us for an exciting night of fun, food and fellowship as we prepare for a new school year.

VBS July 8 -12
YES! YES! YES! to V.B.S.
Vacation Bible School 2024
Ages 4-18
Let us Celebrate the Good News of JESUS!!!
(Music, Snack, Games, Pizza Party, Crafts, the Word, Gifts & Bikes Giveaway, fun and much more….
Click the link to register your student https://form.jotform.com/220974852421154
Graduation Celebration
Sunday June 2nd we will be celebrating all 2024 graduates from Kinder, Highschool, Vocational and College.
Mother's Day Service
Join us for a special Mother’s Day service May 12th 10:30 am. We will be celebrating all mother’s with a special worship service, skit/drama and message.
VBS Meeting
Calling all volunteers!! We will be holding our 1st VBS meeting Monday April 29th at 6:30

Don't miss out on a memorable week that will allow kids to grow in their faith.
Door Prizes and Bike Give away on the last day
Vacation Bible School
In this wet and wild VBS, kids will learn that what you do today can change the world around you. When you put your trust in Jesus, you can "make waves" because of His Spirit living inside you. Through fun activities, engaging lessons, and God's Word, we'll help kids understand how they can share God's love with the people around them. They'll discover that when they put their faith in Jesus, God will give them His Spirit. And like the Bible says, the Spirit is like many streams of living water. Through fun activities, engaging lessons, and God's Word, kids will explore what it means to "make waves" in their own lives that will influence the people around them.
Easter Sunday Service
Easter Service Sermon “The Greatest Comeback”
Limitless Skit “The Champion”

1st ANNUAL WOMEN’S CONFERENCE (Renew, Restore, Refresh)
- Must RSVP
- Limited Seating/FCFS
- Deadline to Register your Church Women’s Group will be (February 20, 2022)
Click the link below to pre-register

Super Sunday Service
We are getting Ready at The Church OfThe Overcomer for our SUPER SUNDAY OF WORSHIP!!!
Sunday, February 13, Come & Be Part of the Winning Team, Team “JESUS”
Tailgate Breakfast Party Starting @ 9:45am
Super Worship Service @ 10:30am

SYATP Youth Rally 2021!!!
Students, Youth Leaders, Youth Groups, Pastors & Church’s…..
You are invited to join us for a world-wide event “See You At The Pole Youth Rally”
Sunday, September 19, 2021 @6pm at the Church of the Overcomer, 3310 E. Main st in Alice, TX
This is an event for the Whole Family!!!
Spread the word!!
Moving to a New Home
We have some exciting news!!
The Lord has open a building where we can permanently worship together. Sunday Sept 5th will be our grand opening! Bring the family! Invite a Friend!

Church OfThe Overcomer Family & Friends!!!
Stay Tune…………..
Spread the word…….

Wednesday Mid-Week Service
Be RE-fueled, RE-filled, RE-charged, RE-vived with the WORD of GOD!!!!

Youth Nights
"Youth" Get-together
this Wednesday Night(in-Person)
101 Escobar St.
Limitless Student/Youth Group 7th-12 grade

Breakfast and Fellowship
Serving Hands Kitchen Ministry, Breakfast served at 10 am come enjoy fellowship, coffee and breakfast before we get into the word of God.

Wednesday Mid-Week Service
Be RE-fueled, RE-filled, RE-charged, RE-vived with the WORD of GOD!!!!

Youth Nights
"Youth" Get-together
this Wednesday Night(in-Person)
101 Escobar St.
Limitless Student/Youth Group 7th-12 grade

Graduation Celebration
Join the Celebration this Sunday at The Church Of The Overcomer as we Celebrate and Honor the Class of 2021!!!!

Breakfast and Fellowship
Serving Hands Kitchen Ministry, Breakfast served at 10 am come enjoy fellowship, coffee and breakfast before we get into the word of God.

Youth Nights (Copy)
"Youth" Get-together
this Wednesday Night(in-Person)
101 Escobar St.
Limitless Student/Youth Group 7th-12 grade

Wednesday Mid-Week Service (Copy)
Be RE-fueled, RE-filled, RE-charged, RE-vived with the WORD of GOD!!!!

Limitless Youth night
7th grade -12 grade
YOUTH NIGHT for All Junior High & High School Students......
".........building a Strong Generation on a Strong FOUNDATION!"
Limitless Student YOUTH GROUP!!!
@ 101 Escobar St.

Breakfast and Fellowship
Serving Hands Kitchen Ministry, Breakfast served at 10 am come enjoy fellowship, coffee and breakfast before we get into the word of God.

Youth Nights (Copy)
"Youth" Get-together
this Wednesday Night(in-Person)
101 Escobar St.
Limitless Student/Youth Group 7th-12 grade