


Getting Connected

Our church has numerous ministries available for children up through adults to be involved in. All of the ministries are provided to build up the body of the Church through teaching, example, fellowship, experience, and participation. You can use your skills and passions to find a type of ministry that fits your personality to get involved in your church community and strengthen your faith.

Home Bible Study

We Weren't Created to be Alone.

Home Bible Study offers a place to connect with other believers in fellowship; to grow in our understanding of the Bible, as Jesus' own small group of disciples did; to meet the needs of others in your group in ministry; and to worship God through practicing godly behavior.

Men’s Ministry

If you’re looking for a ministry designed specifically for men who love Jesus, good foods, and brotherhood, then look no further!

Whether you’re a seasoned brother in the Lord or just starting out on your spiritual journey with God, Church of the Overcomer men's ministry is for you.

Men's ministry mission is to develop Biblically-grounded men of faith who

  • · Lead their families in worship

  • · Explore the Word of God in study

  • · Reach out to men in the community with the Gospel

  • · Help hold other men accountable to God’s standards

Women’s Ministry

"A call for Christian women to live boldly and fully into their God-given wisdom, power, and capabilities."

Our Women’s Ministry exists to help every woman feel loved, accepted, encouraged, and equipped to pursue a passionate, growing relationship with Jesus Christ, and to respond with gratitude for that relationship by serving others in love, making great friends on the journey. 

Kitchen Ministry

"Taste and see, that the Lord is good."       Psalms 34:8

Our mission is to support and further the cause of being servants for the people in our church and community, to unite members and welcoming visiting guests.

Limitless Youth Ministry

Limitless mission is to establish a foundation for building good character, morals, values and behaviors in young people grade 7th to 12th grade; by using creative and innovative methods to excite, inspire, capture and ignite young people for Jesus.

Kids Zone

Kid's zone is a vital ministry in the church. It is a launching pad for nurturing the faith of the next generation. 

Kids zone serves as a place of prayer for children, a place where they hear foundational Bible stories, and a place where children learn simple Biblical truth statements.  We want to partner with and equip parents to raise a generation of children who: grow in Christ and spiritual maturity; Discover, develop, and use their gifts for the glory of God; pursue a God-centered vision of life; engage in worship, study, prayer, and ministry; and have a clear vision for godly manhood and womanhood